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Ahsoka Marvels at the Spider-Verse

Updated: Jul 5, 2023

Podcast Companion Post

It's That! time Comics Crew and it's also a celebration! April is a special time of year when the flowers are in bloom, bees are buzzing and Star Wars celebrates itself and we couldn't be more excited (well, most of us at least). Join Mendte, Mashko, Features, and good Ol' Mr. Maurer as they break down those weekly comic book happenings, but this time in a galaxy far, far away! Join the boys as they talk about the first peak at My Adventures with Superman, Venom's new cosmic role, Swampthing, Spider-Verse, Mario, and more. We even time travel to talk about the Marvels trailer which dropped after we already recorded the show. Then we focus on this year's announcements at Star Wars Celebration! From the Ashko show to the Rey movie, we have a lot to go over. So press play, subscribe, and let's do this! Thats That!

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