Celebrating 100 Reviews!!!!!!
Today for Toying Around's 100th review we will be taking a look at the Walmart Exclusive DC Multiverse Justice League Batman. This Batman as stated is a Walmart Exclusive and is based on his Justice League movie look. I would also like to take the time and thank you all for the love and support that you have given Toying Around the past two years and for 100 reviews. This will be the final review for 2017, but fear not Toying Around will be back this January 2018 with all-new Toy Reviews!
Packaging: Before we open this up, let's take a look at the packaging.
Batman comes in the standard red and black packaging that we see with all the Multiverse figures. We have the Justice League movie logo at the top left, as this is a Justice League Movie figure. The DC Comics Multiverse logo is right below that. The figure is clearly displayed in the middle. On the bottom of the box, you have a picture of Batman from the movie with his name listed next to him. The left side of the box shows the Multiverse logo at the top with the Justice League logo at the bottom. Turning the box to the back we have a full picture of Batman and Cyborg as these are both the figures you need to complete both halves of the Mother Boxes. Moving the box around once more to the right side, we have that same Batman picture from before. with a little bio listed below. FUELED BY HIS RESTORED FAITH IN HUMANITY, BATMAN MUST DO ALL HE CAN TO STAND AGAINST A NEWLY AWAKENED THREAT.
Outside of the Box: Let's open the box and take a closer look at the figure.
Taking Batman out of the packaging you can see that this time around they gave him a soft cape. The cape has a fabric feel to it on the inside but feels more like vinyl on the outside. You also notice all the little details and line work on the suit of Batman. The Legs and waist on this new Batman are the same as the Batman v Superman figure. everything else on him has been redone.
Accessories: Let's see what kind of accessories the figure comes with.
Batman comes with one half of the Mother Boxes, and Cyborg, The other Walmart exclusive comes with the other half.
Articulation: How can we pose the figure? Let's find out!
Batman's articulation includes the following:
Mushroom Pegged Head - allows you to swivel the head 360 degrees. Ball Jointed Shoulders - gives the arm 360-degree rotation and also the ability to raise and lower the arm Upper Bicep Swivel - allows or 360-degree at this cut Singles Jointed Elbows - this allows for a 90-degree bend at the elbow Swivel Wrists - allows you to turn her wrists in a full 360-degree circle. Ab Crunch - this cut lets you be able to bend the figure front and back at the Abs. Waist Swivel - this cut lets you be able to turn the figure around from the waist. Hinged Legs - This allows the legs to move out to the side along with some front and back motion. Lower Thigh Swivel - the leg can rotate around a full 360 degrees. Single Jointed Knees - This joint, although limited, allows you to bend the knee to about 90 degrees. Hinged Ankles - The ankle hinge allows you to bend the foot front and back
Size Comparison: How does the size of this figure compare to others?
First up we have Multiverse Rebirth Batman with Robin from the DC Collectibles Super Sons two-pack. Next, we have Batman standing with Thor from the Marvel Legends Thor: Ragnarok wave. Last but not least we have Batman standing next to the BvS Multiverse Batman figure and Superman from the same Multiverse Justice League line.
Rating: What are Baby Huey's scores for the figure?
Paint Job 4/5
it's kind of hard to mess up a paint job when Black and Grey are about 97% of the colors in the figure. The skin painting was done well and so was the pain in his eyes.
Figure Sculpt 3/5
The overall look of the sculpt is done very well. the only complaint I really have is how he looks from the side. The way Mattel assembled the chest to make the ab crunch makes him look like his chest is pushed out way too much.
Posing / Durability 3/5
Posing-wise, he is the same as every other Mattel DC Multiverse figure, and it doesn't look like they will be changing that.
Durability has for me always been strong with Mattel's DC figures.
Overall Score 3.33/5
Overall I do like Batman, he is a step in the right direction from the BvS Batman from two years ago. Hopefully, the Batman from Justice League 2 will be better than this one.
Retail Cost: $18.84 Batman can only be found at WALMART.
Time for some Toying Around!