Today we will be taking a look at the new Marvel Legends 6-inch Doctor Strange Movie figure.
PACKAGING: Doctor Strange comes packed in the new stranded Marvel Legends box. You have the Dormammu wave logo at the top with the Legends Series logo displayed right below. Doctor Strange is clearly displayed in the middle with the Doctor Strange movie logo and his name right below. On the back of the box, you have a nice image of the figure and a quick bio with pictures of the rest of the wave pictured below.
ACCESSORIES: Doctor Strange comes with a pair of interchangeable hands and a spell shield Doctor Strange comes with the left leg to Dormammu.
HEIGHT: Doctor Strange stands just a little over 6 inches tall.


SIZE COMPARISON: Here is Doctor Strange with the 1st Toy Biz version and the latest Hasbro version.

FINAL THOUGHTS: I have to say I like this Figure a lot, not only does he have a good amount of articulation, but he also comes with different hands and a magic shield. His head sculpt also looks very close to Benedict Cumberbatch. All around he is a win-win!
Retail cost $19.99 I give Doctor Strange a 10/10