Today we will be taking a look at the Black Panther figure from the 3.75-inch Marvel Legends series single-carded figure line This black panther figure himself is a re-release of a figure that was sold only at Toys R Us back in 2012. That figure came with a light-up base and had a little bit of a blue shine on the figure.

This new Black Panther figure comes in all black, so let’s get started...
PACKAGING: Black Panther comes packed in the new Marvel Legends Series packaging. The Marvel Legends logo is at the top left of the packaging, while the right side of the box shows some nice artwork of Black Panther. We have the figure clearly displayed in the middle with her name located below him. On the back of the box, we get a nice picture of the figure and a quick bio on him. At the bottom of the box, we get the rest of the figures that are available in the wave of 2016 figures
HEIGHT: Black Panther stands just a little above 4 inches


SIZE COMPARISON: Here is Black Panther standing next to the 1st Panther released back in 2009 Here is Black Panther standing next to ShadowLand DareDevil
FINAL THOUGHTS: For me, since I never picked up this Black Panther the 1st go around when he was at Toys R Us, I am happy to have him. It is also nice to see that Hasbro is sprinkling in some older body-type figures with more articulation since a lot of the newer figures are lacking in that spot. It would have been nice to see Black Panther come with the cape he wears every now and then or his spear, some kind of accessory. Overall I am happy to have this figure replace my old Black Panther from 2009
The retail cost is $12.99 I give Black Panther an 8/10
