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Toying Around Reviews - Spin Master The Batman Movie: Batman

Writer's picture: Baby HueyBaby Huey

Updated: Feb 8, 2023

Today we are checking out Batman from THE BATMAN movie line by Spin Master. Both Spin Master and McFarlane Toys have the rights to boys’ toys for DC comics. McFarlane will be doing the more adult collector figures whereas Spin Master will be geared toward the younger kids. Spin Master is a Canadian multinational toy and entertainment company marketing consumer products for children. This new movie line from Spin Master will have two different-sized lines, one for 12-inch figures and one for 4-inch figures.


PACKAGING: Before we open this up, let's take a look at the packaging.

Batman comes in the standard packaging for this line. It is a blister card that houses both the figures and the weapons, The normal DC figures from Spin Master have secret weapons. For this line Spin Master has chosen to not do this. Batman is displayed on the right side of the box while next to him on the left we have the weapons. below that, we get THE BATMAN movie logo and the Batman name next to it as this figure is Batman. Turning the box to the side we get a good look at the side of Batman, this is good for anyone who wishes to keep Batman mint on the card. Turning the box around again we a CGI promo shot of Batman and a look at the evidence card that comes with the figure. Moving the box around one last time we get another look at the side of Batman.


OUTSIDE OF THE BOX: Let's open the box and take a closer look at the figure.

Taking Batman off the card we can see that for such a little figure they did give him some nice details on the suit. The face paint is a little bit blotched on but overall it’s not bad for such a small figure.


ACCESSORIES: Let's see what kind of accessories the figure comes with.

Batman comes with clip-on chest armor, a grapple gun, a Bat-A-Rang, and an evidence card.


ARTICULATION: How can we pose the figure? Let's find out!

BATMAN’S ARTICULATION INCLUDES THE FOLLOWING: BALL-JOINTED NECK - With this joint, you can turn the head 360 degrees.

BALL-HINGED SHOULDERS - This joint gives the arm 360-degree rotation and also the ability to raise and lower the arm.

SINGLE JOINTED SWIVEL ELBOWS - This allows you to bend the arm about 90 degrees and swivel a full 360-degree circle.

BALL JOINTED LEGS - With this it allows the legs to move out to the side along with some front and back motion.

UPPER THIGH SWIVEL - The leg can rotate around a full 360 degrees.

SINGLE JOINTED SWIVEL KNEES - The joint allows you to bend the leg about 90 degrees as well as swivel the lower part of the leg.


SIZE COMPARISON: How does the size of this figure compare to others?

Batman stands right about the 4-inch mark. Here is Batman standing with comic-based Spin Master Batman and Superman, and we have our new Spin Master Batman standing next to the new McFarlane Toys Batman.


RATING: What are Baby Huey's scores for the figure?

PAINT JOB 4/5 - The paint isn’t bad on the figure. it’s a little heavy on the face and the figure is missing some paint apps over the body.

FIGURE SCULPT 4/5 - The overall sculpt of the figure isn’t bad.

POSING 5/5 - for this tiny figure, you can get him into some nice poses.

ACCESSORIES: 5/5 - He comes with just about everything you would want with a batman figure.

DURABILITY 5/5 - The plastic is nice and strong and I don’t think it will have any issues down the road.





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