Today we will be taking a look at the new Rocksteady figure from the Ninja Turtles out of the shadows toy line Rocksteady is personally one of my favorite villains from the Ninja Turtles so I was so excited to see that they were going to be in the movie because I knew we would be getting a figure for him, but did Playmates disappoint as they do in any TMNT line that isn't a Turtle? well, let’s find out.
PACKAGING: If you have been buying the Nick Turtles toys you what to expect from the packaging because it hasn't changed for the new movie line. The packaging has a yellow and green background, with the log at the top and a picture of all the Turtles on the top left. You have the Rocksteady figure displayed in the middle with his name located right below him. The back of the packaging continues the theme from the front while also giving us pictures of the rest of the figures in the new movie line
OUTSIDE THE BOX: Here is a front view of Rocksteady outside the box
ACCESSORIES: Rocksteady comes with a double-sided hammer and a baseball bat, or Lucille for all you Walking Dead fans.

HEIGHT: Rocksteady stands just a little under 5.5 inches tall


SIZE COMPARISON: 1st we have Rocksteady with Nick Turtles Leatherhead and the 2014 movie Raphael 2nd we have Rocksteady with Kraang and Bebop.
FINAL THOUGHTS: OMG, where do I start? I love this figure! Playmates have made an amazing figure this time around. He has more articulation than any villain that I could remember. The sculpture for him is on point as well. I never picked up the Nick Turtles Rocksteady because I wasn't in love with it, but this new Rocksteady could fit in both the movie and Nick Turtles’ line. One thing I also found is that they didn't skip out on too much paint like they normally do with figures. I highly recommend this figure to anyone who is a fan of TMNT. He has that movie and classic feel to him, something most toys nowadays cant do.
The retail cost is $8.99 I give Rocksteady a 10/10
