Today we are going to finish up wave 1 of the Batman v Superman figures with a look at Wonder Woman and Armored Batman!
PACKAGING: They both come packed in the new DC comics Multiverse Box, The title of the movie is at the top left of the box. The figures are clearly displayed in the window box with a picture of the character and the name at the bottom of the box. The back of the box displays the COLLECT AND CONNECT Batman’s Grapnel Blaster and pictures of all the other figures in the wave. On the sides of the boxes you have the artwork displayed again with a quick blurb on the movie below the picture, the opposite side of the box has the Multiverse logo and the Batman v Superman Logo.
Now on to the figures! Wonder Woman:

I have to admit that detail and the sculpt on Wonder Woman is really awesome, however, the paint on her face has been hit or miss (more miss), I went through 5 figures before I even found a halfway decent-looking one. I do feel the Lasso of Truth is a little small. It is also sculpted to the sash she has on so you cannot remove it. Bummer!
Articulation: The head is on a ball joint, the hair does hinder some of the movement Arms are a hinge ball joint Bicep swivel Elbow swivel with single hinge joint Wrist swivel No ab crunch Waist swivel Standard DC leg joints for the legs (skirt does hinder some movement) Thigh swivel Single joint knee Single joint on the ankle Accessories: As for her accessories, She comes with her shield and sword. Both of them have some nice detail in the sculpting. They also have what seems to be a black wash over them to make them look a little worn (nice touch). She does have a place you can store the sword when not in use, however, is no place to put the shield when she is not using it, i.e. Captain America on his back.
If they spent a little more time on the paint on the face she would be an awesome figure, having to sift through a few figures to find a good one is a little bit of a letdown. If you take away the face the rest of the figure itself is a solid figure. An ab crunch or swivel would also be a nice touch; they did it for both batman figures so I don’t know why not Wonder Woman and Superman. Overall I give her a 7/10. Armored Batman:

I love the way Armored Batman looks, the detail they put into this is very nice. All the little dents and scratches all over the armor make it looks like it has been around for a while. The figure is cast in a gray plastic that has a nice silver dry brush over him. The cape has the same soft plastic that was used on Batman and Superman, so it is very easy to move it around. The only downside is his exposed face, the paint looks as it was just globed on Articulation: The head is on a ball joint Arms are a hinge ball joint Bicep swivel Elbow swivel with single hinge joint Wrist swivel Ab crunch Waist swivel Standard DC leg joints for the legs Thigh swivel Single joint knee Single joint on the ankle Accessories: Armored Batman comes with the same gun that we see used in the Batman v Superman trailer. It has some nice detail in it. The plastic they cast it in is a little soft, so getting batman to hold it can be a pain. You might need to run batman’s hands under some hot water for a minute to soften up the plastic so you can get the gun in his hands so he can hold it
I love, flat out LOVE, this figure; he has awesome detail and a nice overall look to him. If they were just a little better on the face paint he would be an easy 10/10 but that does knock him down just a bit.
Overall I give him a 9/10. As for the Collect and Connect Grapnel Gun, this is everything so far that has been released:

So I have to say if you have Superman from the Man of Steel movie you can probably pass on him unless you want to build the Grapnel Gun, then you will need to pick him up since he does come with the handle of the gun So that’s it, Wave 1 for the Batman v Superman movie figures, they are out in stores now. They retail for $19.99.
